Care3 for Care Managers

Calling All Care Managers!

Did you know there are 65 million family caregivers in the US? These people lovingly support your clients in their quest to remain healthy. In fact, 69% of family caregivers are open to using mobile applications to help them take care of loved ones.

What if a technology platform could improve communication with your clients and their families, keep everyone informed about your work, and teach family caregivers how they can help your clients get and stay healthy?

Welcome to Care3.


Care3 is the care planning and mobile messaging platform for people who care for and about others. You care for your clients by ensuring they receive the best care possible. Your clients’ families care about their loved ones, but often don’t know how to help. Care3 brings it all together.

Care3 = Care Plan + Messaging + Calendar

If you need a system that coordinates care, makes communications with all parties efficient and compliant, and drives positive outcomes, then you need Care3. Care3 combines a simple, 8-step care planning tool with our mobile messaging and calendar app to make sure all care steps are organized and those completing the steps can care anywhere.


You create the care plan, including medications, ADLs, rehab/exercises, home medical needs and more. All individual care steps are sent to the Care3 mobile app as Actions to be completed by members of the care team--professionals and family. Everyone operates from the same central care plan that you design. It's that easy.

  • Build a Care Team of interdisciplinary care providers and family members around each of your clients to keep everyone in the loop and engaged.
  • Create Care Plans that family and professionals can complete so they know how to help to keep loved ones out of the hospital.
  • HIPAA-compliant Text Messaging allows you to securely communicate with your clients and families and track when care steps are complete.
  • Calendar and To-Do List keep everyone organized so they know what care has to be delivered when.

Care3 makes you more effective managing care which leads to higher client satisfaction and more referrals.


Dozens of Care Management Companies Use Care3

Care3 enables community-based care managers (geriatric and others) to coordinate care for clients and families. While navigating the health system, you can also ensure that the critical care that's needed to keep your clients healthy and out of the hospital is being delivered by the professional care team and family.

Here are what a few of our users are saying about Care3 for care management:

"Care3 is great for coordinating care!"


"...very intuitive out-of-the-box."


"If you are trying to keep track of service providers for a client, Care3 is your system!"


Try FREE for 60 Days

Sign up for Care3 Care Planner FREE for 60 days. Create as many care plans as you need for all of your clients. Get their families involved with care. Keep your clients out of the hospital.
